Jack Baker At Large Scholarship



This is a reminder that the application deadline for the Jack Baker At Large Service Scholarship will be closing on April 15. This is a $1000 scholarship open to At Large Cherokee Nation citizens managed by the Tulsa Community Foundation, the largest community funder in the country, and established by the George Kaiser Family Foundation. The Jack Baker Scholarship is an endowed fund, and anyone - whether individuals, businesses, banks, corporations, etc. - may contribute to the fund. We would especially welcome matches of the Cherokee Nation annual community assistance donation of $25,000 or more to help the fund grow and become a permanent and additional source of scholarship assistance for Cherokee Nation At Large students, wherever they may live. But donations of any amount are also welcomed for those who would like to be a part of this worthy endeavor to support At Large Cherokee scholastic excellence!



The online application can be found at https://tcf.spectrumportal.net/  

The scholarship is for academic year 2022-23 in the amount of $1000 per recipient. The deadline is April 15. It is available to anyone except those who have received a scholarship for the same academic year from any of the At Large satellite community organizations, from the Cherokee Nation Foundation (CNF), or anyone who is eligible for the federal Pell grant. (Eligibility for the Pell grant makes one eligible for the regular Cherokee Nation scholarship, and those eligible should apply for it instead.)

Those who receive an At Large organization scholarship or a CNF scholarship for the coming academic year will be eligible to apply in any subsequent year in which they do not receive one of those awards. The Jack Baker scholarship is intended to award additional recipients, rather than double up for those who have already received one from another CN-related source.



Go to https://tcf.spectrumportal.net/ ;

Please click “Apply Now” (at) to begin the application process. You will immediately need to select “Register” to create a profile to complete the application.  Once logged in with your profile, please click “View All Available Scholarships” and then select “2022 Jack Baker At-Large Service Scholarship Application” to begin your application process.

 Applicants should use an email address they will have access to post-graduation.  A personal account as opposed to a school assigned account works best as school accounts are often decommissioned and the student might need access to their profile in the future.

We encourage applicants to visit the “View All Available Scholarships” section over the next few months to learn about other scholarship opportunities offered through Tulsa Community Foundation for which they might be eligible.


Update on Pending Citizenship Applications & COVID Relief Payment