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COCA Community Meeting

We have set Thursday, February 16th at 6PM for our next tribal community meeting.   

This will be a BYOBB (Bring your own brown bag) meal.  This will be a combined “in-person” and Zoom meeting. The in-person portion will be held in the BancFirst Community Room at 1111 North Lincoln in Oklahoma City (enter at the west door and look for signage). For those looking to attend via Zoom:

Topic: COCA Meeting February
Time: Feb 16, 2023 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 949 1577 9143
Passcode: 952754
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,94915779143# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,94915779143# US (Houston)

The program will feature Feather Smith, Director of the Cherokee Nation’s Seed Bank. She will outline the mission of the seed bank and share how you can apply for an allocation of heirloom seeds to start your own Cherokee Garden this spring. While many of the seeds in our Nation’s bank are for food purposes, there are also those for medicine (both physical and spiritual). When one of our community members grew a bounty of gourds, we thought it would be of interest to learn more about the use of gourds in our culture. Thus, we have invited Roger Cain to speak at our meeting. Roger is an acclaimed carver of Booger Masks. In addition, if that phrase is foreign to you, this program will provide insights into Cherokee traditions in the fight against evil. We always invite our At-Large Tribal Counselors and we will ask them to address items of note from the Council House. Join us at 6PM (in person or via Zoom) on 2/16/23.

February 7

Cherokee Seed Bank Applications

April 20

Cherokee Nation AT-Large Tribal Council Candidates to Speak